M1, ENTRY 2: Learning Bird: Indigenous Language and Culture in Digital Classrooms

Module 1: The Global and the Local in Indigenous Knowledge

Entry 2: Learning Bird: Indigenous Language and Culture in Digital Classrooms 

Indigenous languages and cultures have been in jeopardy of being lost overtime. Learning Bird is an initiative designed to directly involve Elders, local Knowledge Keepers, schools, and communities in the creation of compelling and engaging digital content; further, teachers are provided with training and coaching to incorporate these digitized resources into their classrooms (Learning Bird, 2020). The initiative has accessibility in mind, with both high and low-tech solutions available to accommodate learners’ diverse needs; both face-to-face and virtual professional and curriculum development (Learning Bird, 2020). The content is delivered through a myriad of multimedia types, including presentations, videos, and audio.

The direct involvement of Elders and local Knowledge Keepers stood out to me about this initiative, seeing as they are cherished in Indigenous communities as teachers; they can be consulted on pedagogical approaches that are in line with their customs and traditions while having their knowledge digitized for others to learn from. Furthermore, as the medium is the message, their input would contribute to the selection of the digitized form(s) most appropriate for specific forms of knowledge: for example, choosing audio for knowledge ordinarily expressed through the oral tradition. Aligning the knowledge with the appropriate media type can be achieved to preserve cultural elements.

Figure 1. Elder Speaking with Individual. (2020). About. Learning Bird. Retrieved May 19, 2021 from https://learningbird.com/. Screenshot by author.

Learning Bird. (2020). Learning Bird. Retrieved May 19, 2021, from https://learningbird.com/

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