M2: P4: Disney’s portrayal of Indigenous people over the years

Connecting back to Stereotypes and the Commodification of Indigenous Social Reality this YouTube narrative from 2017 summarizes Disney’s portrayal of Indigenous people and discusses if Disney has learned from the mistakes of Pocahontas.

I think discussions like this one are useful tools in encouraging educators and learners to think always strive for improvement, make mistakes, think critically, and then learn from those mistakes. This is an important part of the process in seeking to learn from Indigenous cultures.

To just get a sample I would suggest watching the first 1:50 and the last minute 32:10-32:55



  1. This is very interesting! I remember watching Pocahontas when I was little and thinking it was an accurate representation of the culture. Of course, I realized later in life that what I thought I knew about the culture was so wrong. This helped me view popular movies with a critical eye and understand that what we see online is not always right! I think it’s important to teach students this too.

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