M2 P2: WikiProject Indigenous peoples of the Americas

After reading the Zimmerman et al. article this week, I was inspired to do some poking around on Wikipedia to find out how the site was protecting Indigenous culture. I came a cross this project which works to protect information posted on Wikipedia as it relates to Indigenous culture in the Americas. I learned that most wikipedia pages representing Indigenous tribes need to follow certain criteria:

  • The meaning and origin of the name, alternative names, especially autonym
  • Population
  • Regions where they live (with a map, if possible): countries, provinces, etc.
  • A history section
  • Details about this people as of modern day, unless they are extinct
    • Society structure, including contemporary government or leadership
    • Economic development and subsistence
  • Culture
    • Language(s)
    • Traditional religion or spiritual beliefs, as well as any adopted religions
  • Famous or notable people
  • External links, in particular ones maintained by members of the particular group

Furthermore, these pages must be verified in order. In clicking through many of the pages, it is cear that you must be a verified contributer in order to edit or change any information.

They have many goals in their mission. I found this one to be of particular importance:

  • To increase awareness of the many indigenous language Wikipedias.

I appreciate that Wikipedia is doing its part to try to create a space for acurate information about indigenous culture and language.


CLICK HERE to learn more


“WikiProject Indigenous Peoples of the Americas.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2 Mar. 2021, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Indigenous_peoples_of_the_Americas.

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