M4 Entry 4: The ANCESTOR Program

The ANCESTOR (AborigiNal Computer Education through STORytelling) program was developed by Biin and Weston (2015) to increase digital and cultural literacy. The goal of the program is to incorporate digital storytelling to promote interest in computer science for Aboriginal learners. It is a way to help learners connect “traditional knowledge and current realities into their learning environment rather than being passive recipients of knowledge” (Biin & Weston, 2015, p.98). In their study, they’ve incorporated a culturally responsive approach that was very closely aligned with my project approach and used the First Nations Holistic Lifelong Learning Model by the Canadian Council on Learning (2007) to emphasize the interconnectedness of life and learning. The model illustrates that “there is not a single, linear approach to learning but rather it encompasses learning experiences at all stages of life in both traditional and non-traditional settings” (Biin & Weston, 2015, p100). Here is the model:

I think the model also summarizes the discussion points and outcomes we have been learning throughout the course and I noticed this diagram on the Alaska Native Knowledge Network website as well. As I get closer to the final stages of my project, I am realizing more that teaching and helping students recognize the connection and the importance between community and individual learning are what leads Indigenous and non-Indigenous students to engage in meaningful learning and help them become lifelong entrepreneurs and citizens.



Biin, D. & Weston, M. L. (2015). 21st Century skills for middle and high school Aboriginal children on British Columbia’s west coast. In Ge, X., Ifenthaler, D. & Spector, J. M (Eds.), Emerging technologies for STEAM education: Full STEAM ahead (pp.95-112). Springer International Publishing. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-02573-5_7

Canadian Council on Learning (CLL). (2007). First Nations holistic lifelong learning model. Living Draft. http://www.ccl-cca.ca/pdfs/RedefiningSuccess/CCL_Learning_Model_FN.pdf


  1. What a beautiful model Seo-Whi…ironically, for part of my final assignment I created a tree of life and knowledge. This model symbolizes how everything is interconnected from it’s roots to the tiny veins in each leaf and how the droplets of water support the tree…amazing imagery.

    Great blog Seo-Whi 🙂

    1. Hi Selene,
      Thank you for commenting! That’s amazing that you’ve created your own version of the tree of life and knowledge. I am looking forward to seeing how you’ve incorporated it into your project!

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