Legacy of Hope


I had the opportunity to help set up two Legacy of Hope exhibits this pass week at our Central Learning Services. Legacy of Hope is foundation that has 19 different exhibits that are available to book for your school.  We currently have the following two:

  1. 100 Years of Loss –   Describes the history of Residential Schools in Canada

     2. Peter Henderson Bryce: Man of Conscience  – Peter Bryce was a medical officer that brought awareness to the high number of TB cases in Residential schools at the beginning of the 20th century.

The Centre for Free Expression started a Peter Bryce Prize for Whistleblowing this past year.  The first person awarded was Dr. John O’Connor, an Alberta physician that has been researching the unusually large number of rare cancers that are occurring in Fort Chipewyan in Northern Alberta. Despite being fired from his job he continued to advocate to bring awareness to the negative impacts of the oil industry.



News. (2021, March 3). Dr. John O’Connor wins the 2021 Peter Bryce Prize. Centre for Free Expression. https://cfe.ryerson.ca/news/dr-john-o%E2%80%99connor-wins-2021-peter-bryce-prize

Exhibitions. (2020).  Legacy of Hope Foundation. https://legacyofhope.ca/home/exhibitions/


  1. Hi DeeDee!
    I also shared a post on the Legacy of Hope. The exhibits would be amazing to experience. I shared a post on the education kit, 100 Years of Loss. Have you visited the site or listened to any of the podcasts?

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Mandy,
      It was really nice to have the exhibits set up at our central office. It was too bad that our Outreach school is still closed to students as it would be have been amazing to have them be able to view it. Thanks for sharing that there are podcasts, I will have to check them out.

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