Mod. 1/Post 3: Pieces Podcast

I live in South Surrey (South Surreyians call it that to distinguish it from Surrey and because we know that anyone from White Rock who hears someone who lives above 16th Ave. say they are from White Rock will call them out on their lie) and work in New Westminster so I do have a relatively good sized commute.   It is during this time that I have taken a liking to listening to podcasts.

Pieces is a CBC podcast by 19 year-old Jeremy Ratt.  Jeremy is of mixed heritage, indigenous and white, and the podcast is about him exploring his ancestry and how it influences his life today.  This podcast is another great example of the adaptation of technology by Indigenous culture.   His talks with his mother about his past are very thought-provoking; the idea of being poor and not knowing it raised questions with both my kids when we were listening to this in our vehicle.  It made them stop and think about the advantages they have because of our affluence and culture; not always an easy subject with a 11 and 14 year old.

One comment

  1. I think it’s so wonderful to be able to share these things with our kids. To allow critical thinking in the early stages, shapes our children to be able to question, listen, share and learn on a deeper level. I too have a 14 year old, and we learn so much from each other and from all of the amazing content that is more available to all of us through means media tech.

    Thanks for sharing this podcast Greg!

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