Mod. 1/Post 4: Saahlinda Naay, or, The Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay Llanagaay

I feel lucky that I was able to visit this museum in person (as I relayed in a previous post, my mom moved from Edmonton to Sandspit in Haida Gwaii) and myself and my family still cherish the time we had there.  Again, this is another great example of Indigenous culture adapting technology from the settler culture.  Museums are a western invention where historical artifacts are displayed, usually out of context, for educational purposes.  The Haida Gwaii Museum governs its facility with a different type of framework:

“The underlying theme running through all permanent exhibitions is the complex link between the land, the sea, human beings and the Supernatural Beings that give Haida Gwaii its incomparable natural and cultural character. Every object, art work and archeological piece offers a narrative focusing on its aesthetics, construct, cultural use, and history as derived from our focus on community-based research.”

It challenges itself to keep aware of its cultures belief in the land and its narrative traditions while still being educational.  It’s an exemplary museum.

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