Tag Archives: decolonization

MODULE 2 – Entry 5: The Indigenization of Educational Institutions, through Gardening

Public Domain photo taken by Karen Arnold

Indigenous Garden Series: Intro (Oral Storytelling):  This site shows how the Indigenization of educational institutions are beginning to exist and how decolonization of the schooling systems are coming into effect. The art of storytelling gives instruction on how to live and relate to the living land, and how passing on this knowledge on to the present and next generations, so that the circle of a healthy and happy life may continue.

Indigenous Garden Tour by Justen:  A behind the scenes of the K’nmaĺka? Sənqâĺtən garden in the Okanagan Valley, where an Indigenous student, Justen Peters, explains the history of the lands and its people of the Okanagan.  He identifies various fruits, seasonal plants, recipes that tie in with special Indigenous ceremonial events.  He is creating a reconnection and a connection with his viewers by sharing his knowledge of his people to a viewer, like myself, who is learning and feeling a more meaningful connection with his fantastic oral storytelling skills.  The goal is to continue growing a healthy community and reach and share with as many people through this beautiful virutal tour.



Okanagan College. (May 26, 2021). Indigenous Garden Series: Intro (Oral Storytelling). [Video].YouTube. Retrieved May 24, 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DcCWj8JTDs

Okanagan College. (May 26, 2021). Indigenous Garden Tour (Justen).  [Video].YouTube. Retrieved May 24, 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfu4VRUNmLg



M1: P4: Profile of Joe Buffalo by Skateboard Canada

This post hits close to home for me historically and spiritually. It features a friend that I went to high school with, played shinny ice hockey with, and skateboarded with in Ottawa: Joe Buffalo. Joe is from the Samson Cree Nation in Alberta.

There’s history in this post for me because when we were hanging out I was completely unaware of the life Joe lived before arriving in Ottawa. However, bumping into Joe in Vancouver recently at a skateboarding event, and connecting with him through online videos and magazine articles I began to listen to the stories he wanted to share. There is spirituality in this post because it is through skateboarding that Joe battled demons of the past, and I understand the power that skateboarding has to do just that.

Joe is coming out with a short documentary to tell his story, and it is called “Joe Buffalo”, and is being shown at several international film festivals, albeit remotely right now. I feel like video is a fitting method through which Joe can tell his story. Although he is very capable with the gift of the gab, videos have been a big part of his skateboarding career, so he is at ease in this medium.