Tag Archives: Legacy of Hope

M.1-P.4 Legacy of Hope, 100 Years of Loss-Teacher’s Guide


The 100 Years of Loss is an amazing teacher activity guide which can be ordered through the Legacy of Hope. This national indigenous charitable organization has curated an educational kit with full pull down blinds that fill an entire wall of a classroom with the timeline of residential schools throughout Canada. The kit also includes full lesson with resources, videos, and rubrics connected to competencies. You can also download some of the resources directly from the website. The resource should be a staple in school libraries or within the Social Studies department. All lessons are suitable for grades 8-12.

I just recently visited the website and noticed the podcast section. I will be looking into this over the week. It is one the most authentic sources I have used and helps with indigenizing curriculum with the voices of those who lived and experienced the residential school system.



100 Years of Loss, The Residential School System in Canada [Kit]. 2017. Canada. Legacy of Hope Foundation.


Legacy of Hope


I had the opportunity to help set up two Legacy of Hope exhibits this pass week at our Central Learning Services. Legacy of Hope is foundation that has 19 different exhibits that are available to book for your school.  We currently have the following two:

  1. 100 Years of Loss –   Describes the history of Residential Schools in Canada

     2. Peter Henderson Bryce: Man of Conscience  – Peter Bryce was a medical officer that brought awareness to the high number of TB cases in Residential schools at the beginning of the 20th century.

The Centre for Free Expression started a Peter Bryce Prize for Whistleblowing this past year.  The first person awarded was Dr. John O’Connor, an Alberta physician that has been researching the unusually large number of rare cancers that are occurring in Fort Chipewyan in Northern Alberta. Despite being fired from his job he continued to advocate to bring awareness to the negative impacts of the oil industry.



News. (2021, March 3). Dr. John O’Connor wins the 2021 Peter Bryce Prize. Centre for Free Expression. https://cfe.ryerson.ca/news/dr-john-o%E2%80%99connor-wins-2021-peter-bryce-prize

Exhibitions. (2020).  Legacy of Hope Foundation. https://legacyofhope.ca/home/exhibitions/