Monthly Archives: October 2016
Lecture 2016/10/17
Today we continue our work on divide-and-conquer.
- The last blank and solved versions of the quizzes have been posted (or will pop up by classtime).
- For Wednesday’s class, no new reading. Instead, review for the exam! However, if you want to get ahead, please read section 6.1 on the unbelievably awesome idea of memoization. (Trade polynomial memory for exponential speedup!)
- The midterm exam is coming soon (20 October). Check out our scheduling and room assignment information! Also, if you’re curious about little things like “am I allowed any notes in the exam”, you should really read the syllabus.
- Unwind from the midterm with PageRank For Real with Susanne Fri 21 Oct 5-6PM near our lecture room (Swing 105); bonus points available!
Protected: Quiz 3: Mon 9AM Edition
Lecture 2016/10/14
Today we continue our work on divide-and-conquer.
- We continue to post blank and solved versions of the quizzes as they finish.
- Don’t forget: quizzes on Monday in tutorial!
- For Monday’s class, please read Section 5.4, plus the Master Theorem entry on Wikipedia.
- No pre-class quiz for Monday. But if you don’t do the reading, you’ll wish you had. The Master Theorem will make your life so much easier!
- There will be a midterm review session just after class today with Susanne and Raunak!
- The midterm exam is coming soon (20 October). Check out our scheduling and room assignment information! Also, if you’re curious about little things like “am I allowed any notes in the exam”, you should really read the syllabus.
- Unwind from the midterm with PageRank For Real with Susanne Fri 21 Oct 5-6PM near our lecture room (Swing 105); bonus points available!
Combinatorics Overview: Let Us Count the Ways
I’ve written an overview of how some tools in combinatorics work, such as permutations, combinations and binomial coefficients. Reading the document may be useful if you’ve had trouble in previous classes counting the size of a possible solution space, when given asked to use a brute force approach.
Protected: Quiz 3: Wed Noon Edition
Lecture 2016/10/12
Today we move on to divide and conquer! We divide! We conquer!
- Here are today’s notes on tug-o-war and median-finding.
- Be sure to read the other recent posts that include blank and solved copies of the Tuesday and Wednesday quizzes.
- Check out the sample solution to our clustering concluded notes.
- Don’t forget: quizzes on Monday in tutorial!
- For Friday’s class, please read 5.2-5.3 in the textbook.
- Complete the pre-class quiz by noon on Friday.
- There will be a midterm review session with Susanne and Raunak on Fri 14 Oct 5-6PM in our usual room (Swing 121).
- The midterm exam is coming soon (20 October). Check out our scheduling and room assignment information! Also, if you’re curious about little things like “am I allowed any notes in the exam”, you should really read the syllabus.
- Unwind from the midterm with PageRank For Real with Susanne Fri 21 Oct 5-6PM near our lecture room (Swing 105); bonus points available!
Protected: Quiz 3: Tue 1PM Edition (and important exam info)
Worked Example: Asymptotic Analysis
I’ve posted a video walkthrough of working a (terribly artificial) asymptotic analysis of pseudocode problem: Asymptotic Analysis Worked Example.
This isn’t required viewing, and I won’t have a reading quiz on it, but you should feel free to use it as needed!
Lecture 2016/10/07
Today we continue working on a proof that our clustering algorithm is correct.
- No class or tutorials on Monday!
- BUT, go to your Tuesday and Wednesday tutorials for the next quiz! (Monday tutorial students’ quiz will be on the 17th.)
- For Wednesday’s class, please read 5.1 in the textbook. No pre-class quiz, however.
- Midterm review session with Susanne and Raunak on Fri 14 Oct 5-6PM in our usual room (Swing 121)
- PageRank For Real with Susanne Fri 21 Oct 5-6PM near our lecture room (Swing 105); bonus points available!