Professional Publications

Crichton, S. & Carter, D. (November 2013).  Maker Day Toolkit.  Sponsored by Industry Training Authority (ITA).

Pegler, K., Crichton, S. White, D. & Parker, B. (Spring 2011). M-powered learning and student engagement. In CASS Newsletter.  Edmonton, AB: The College of Alberta School Superintendents.

White, D., Crichton, S, & Pegler, K. (June 2010). Is your school ready for mobile learning? Calgary, AB: Calgary Board of Education.

Crichton, S., Slater, C. & Pegler, K. (Fall 2010). Understanding teacher technology use by generation, knowledge and career cycle. Alberta Teachers’ Association Magazine. Retrieved from

Crichton, S. (2009).  eCollaboration. Invited submission in MindShare Learning Report. Retrieved from

Wang, C., Towers, J., Smits, H., Crichton, S., Tarr, P., Field, J. & Kopp, G. University of Calgary’s Master of Teaching program launched e-portfolio project. The Distance: Journal of Alberta Distance Education, 14(3). Alberta Distanced Education and Training Association.

Crichton, S. & Childs, E. (Fall 2003). Classroom teachers as online educators. The Distance: Journal of Alberta Distance Education and Training Association, 12 (3), 14-15,20

Crichton, S. (April 2003). Writing To Go: Appropriate Tools for Appropriate Tasks. Learning Technology Newsletter, IEEE Learning Technology Task Force.

Crichton, S., & Kinsel, E. (Fall 2002). Communities in Transition: Technology as a tool for change. Education Canada.  Toronto, ON: Canadian Education Association