Price of Super Bowl Commercials Reach All Time High

Growing up as a dedicated and avid NFL fan, I have always been intrigued by the commercials surrounding the Super Bowl. But as I further engage in my business studies, I have grown a whole new interest in the business end of the advertising.

With Super Bowl 47 fast approaching this coming Sunday, the big game isn’t the only thing grabbing the attention of viewers around the world. Jon Swallen, chief research officer at Kantar, believes up to half of the expected 110 million viewers tune in for the commercials alone. The success of Super Bowl ads has increased tremendously over the past decade, and it is evident by the rate at which airtime costs are rising. Up 7% since last year, 2013’s main event has 30-second Super Bowl commercials selling for up to $4 million, and 60-second commercials for $7.5 million.

Over the past years, the market itself has put upward pressure on the prices, as advertisers compete for the limited airtime. The inexistence of pressure set by CBS proves that these advertisers invest steep amounts of money because they truly believe the price is worth the possible benefit. After all, the Super Bowl is the most viewed sporting event in US television.

Take a look at what Volkswagen has planned during their allotted time:

Volkswagen “Get Happy” Commercial

Ethics Post: Lance Armstrong Admits to Doping

Although Lance Armstrong would not initially appear to be a subject of discussion when it comes to the topic of marketing misrepresentation, take a closer look. After all, as The Atlantic Magazine says, Armstrong is no ordinary man; rather he is a ‘marketable brand’. While having battled and overcome testicular cancer, Lance had for so long been portrayed as a sort of super human, inspirational figure. From having racked up a total of seven consecutive Tour de France victories to starting up his Livestrong foundation (which has raised over $470 million dollars for cancer awareness), his accomplishments seem nothing short of amazing. But as the truth of his doping spills over, Armstrong’s entire image has come into doubt.

Lance Armstrong Admits To Doping (Video)

The question that now arises is whether or not his figure can still be saved. Is there still hope for Armstrong to rebrand himself? If so, what would it take? We have previously seen examples of athletes such as Tiger Woods or Mark McGuire who have overcome their wounded public image, and repositioned themselves as some of the ‘greats’ in the world of sports. No case, however, has come close to the extent and deception of Armstrong’s, where even his confession has been put in doubt. Was it sincere? What are his true intentions? As expected though, Lance Armstrong is not the most credible person at the moment, where even his truths appear to be lies. Either way, the way he portrays himself over the next few days will be very important in his battle for public acceptance, and no one knows quite how this will end up.

