
Research Interests

I’ve been interested in issues of immigration for a long time and mainly concentrate on the Canadian case. Within this broad field I’ve conducted projects on immigrant integration into the labour and housing markets of Canadian cities, and the socio-cultural changes that accompany immigration, especially the increasing superdiversity of Canadian society.

In Canada the national policy of multiculturalism is worked out in cosmopolitan neighbourhoods, and this has been a theme of my work. I’ve also investigated the evolution of immigration and migration policies, both in Canada and other countries; in recent years this has involved interacting in various ways with researchers and government officials in Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, the UK, the Netherlands, and Germany.

I’ve participated in a number of advisory roles and since 2012 have served as the Co-Chair of the City of Vancouver Mayor’s Working Group on Immigration. I have also been involved in advisory committees for Statistics Canada and am currently a member of the Citizenship and Immigration Deputy Minister’s Advisory Council. From 2003-2012 I was one of the Co-Directors of Metropolis British Columbia. From 2012 to 2016 I was one of the Co-Director of a new initiative, the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security, and Society (TSAS). Both of these projects were interdisciplinary and involved multiple partners, both in government and civil society. This work led to a new area of interest for me: translating and transferring academic research knowledge into other sectors of society.