EDST Welcome to the 2023-24′ Year

Welcome back to another year in EDST!

Welcome Sign

For those of you who are new to the department, from the blog team I’d like to extend a warm welcome. The department is a wonderful community to join, hosting talented teaching and research faculty, as well as a dynamic and welcoming student population. The department is unique in that it includes a wide variety of research areas across education, allowing us to speak with, learn from, and work with others across multiple disciplines.

The intention behind creating the EDST blog was to create an online forum where students, faculty, and staff can engage with educational ideas, practice communicating in new ways, and act as public intellectuals.

With this intention in mind, I’d like to invite all EDST students, faculty, and staff to submit to the EDST blog

Submissions may take on many forms, including:

  • Reflections on University life,

Above are just a few examples of how the blog has been utilized by EDST members- what else would you like to see? Comment below with ideas, suggestions, or feedback for the EDST blog,

Interested in writing for the blog?

Reach out! The blog team is happy to work with students and faculty to get their work up on the blog.

Have an idea you’re not sure about? Email us and we can provide feedback, pointers, or other support to get your work up on the blog. Blog submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.

Submissions on any topic related to educational research will be considered. Looking for a theme or starting point? Watch the below “Call for Papers” around the theme of “community.”

Call For Papers


Questions or submissions ideas can be sent to: edstblog.editor@ubc.ca