
I am disappointed with the UBC rumour mill, which has proven to be exceedingly inefficient…

After 16 years, numerous roles and two post-graduate degrees, it’s time to leave UBC, almost entirely (I’ll still teach a bit online in the MET programme). I have accepted the role of Director of the Learning Technology Unit in the University of Auckland’s Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences. Yes, New Zealand. I start in the role mid-September; I finish up in CTLT at the end of August.

NZ has long been the only country in which I would have liked to live besides Canada; U of A is a great institution. I am sad to be saying goodbye to what has been home for over two decades, but this feels very, very right. Which is good, considering the flaming hoops I’ve recently had to jump through to get my visa sorted!

About John P Egan

Learning technology professional.
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3 Responses to changes

  1. Jen says:

    Cool, congrats! I’ve heard New Zealand is nice. Didn’t you live in Australia for a time?

  2. John P Egan says:

    Thanks! Yes I did, in Sydney 2003-2005.

  3. Brenda Courey says:

    UBC’s loss I must say…although I am glad you will still be involved with MET… Auckland is a lucky university to have you! All the best John!


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