Tag Archives: Introduction

Introduction About Myself

Me and my Mom

Me and my mom back in Colombia

Welcome to UBC Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Hi everyone!

My name is Nayid Contreras and I’m taking this class (LAS 100) because It is one of my majors. I’m originally from Colombia but have been in Canada almost ten years now. That’s a big deal because at this moment, I feel like a mutation between being a Latino but getting a costumed to being Canadian. To be honest, every time I visit my family for holidays back in Bogota, I feel like I miss Canada: it’s organization, politeness, and safety.

I’m in this class because, as part of the main courses needed to graduate, LAS 100 is one of them. I have taken LAS 201already. You can say I’m working my way backwards into my LAS major. This is my final academic year before I graduate in May. I have to say that by being part of LAS major, I have gotten to experience a true interdisciplinary approach to learning, not only about Latin America, but also about history, science, arts, political science, and even Spanish.

On a side note, I have created a Facebook page for our class. Here is the link:


so take a look at it and make any comments and/or suggest stuff to be posted.