Unit Two: Reflection Blog

For unit two, our assignments focused on: creating and/or revising your own LinkedIn Profile, making a Formal Report Proposal, peer reviewing our teammate’s Formal Report Proposal, and finally, revising our Report Proposal based on our teammate’s peer review.

So firstly, I want to reflect on the LinkedIn assignment. We were asked to make and/or to revise our existing LinkedIn profile. This particular assignment was convenient for me because I already had a LinkedIn profile for few years now. I decided to make a LinkedIn profile few years ago, because I realized that it was important to establish myself in a professional social media, and to hopefully, kick-start my career. So, when I found out that one of our assignments was about LinkedIn, all I had to do was polish my LinkedIn, in a more professional way according to our research on how to create a great LinkedIn that could attract possible job seekers. It was interesting for me that I learned so much about LinkedIn, even when I already had LinkedIn for few years now. I realize just how important creating a well-thought out biography was about yourself, and every other detail that could showcase your potentials. Furthermore, when I was peer-reviewing my colleagues’ LinkedIn, I was more than happy to help her start her LinkedIn profile. I realized that, I was the only one out of my teammates that already had a LinkedIn profile, and so peer-reviewing one of my teammates’ LinkedIn profile was a way for me to share my knowledge with them. However, what I actually found even more surprising was that even when my teammates all were newbies on LinkedIn, they also taught me a lot about how I could improve my profile through the peer review, so I really thought this assignment was really helpful for me and fun at the same time.

For the Formal Report Proposal assignment, I must admit, this assignment is probably one of the most challenging assignment in this class, thus far. It required a lot of thinking and brainstorming to what I could possibly contribute for this writing assignment. The assignment required me to do a lot of critical thinking about my experiences in a professional setting, and how I could improve them. Truthfully, when I volunteer and/or intern, I never really considered or pin point things I would like to improve on. I always try my best to give my best effort and trust the process and established system that they have provided me. But this assignment really opened my eyes to the things I realized could change for the better. So, since I am currently interning in L’Oreal Indonesia, I thought that the easiest way to make the best out of this assignment, is to write something I am currently going through, and that is the internship program. I admit, at times, I do find myself thinking of ways to improve the internship program I am in. Although L’Oreal is a multinational company, and very well-prepared and very professional, there are some gaps in which I personally realize could be improved, and that is why I finally chose to write about improving the program as a whole.

In addition to creating a Formal Report Proposal, as usual, we also had to do a peer review to our teammates. I peer-reviewed Janice Pang’s proposal. I think for every peer review I do, the biggest takeaway was not to point out your teammates mistakes, but it is more to how you can improve by seeing someone else’s work. I realize whilst going through and evaluating her proposal, I found out the things I wanted to do differently in my proposal from the strengths that I see in her work. I found aspects of her work that I found was good and wanted to incorporate it in my work. The peer review from Janice Pang was also equally as beneficial, on top of reviewing her work, because sometimes, when you do your work, you don’t really realize your mistakes, and it takes another person’s perspective to evaluate and critique your work in order for you to see what you didn’t see.

So overall, I thought that unit two was really an adjusting period, where I learn from the assignments from unit one, and did it differently and hopefully did it better, and the assignments was a really good practice for me to be more aware of my writing and how I formulate assignments in the future.


Link to the Peer Review of my Formal Report Proposal: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2019wa/2019/10/07/peer-review-improving-the-internship-program-at-loreal-indonesia/

Revised Formal Report Proposal: Revised Formal Report Proposal – Emily Krisnamurti

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