Introduction to ENGL 301

Course Description:

English 301 is a writing course that allows students in various disciplines to study and practice written and online communications in business and professional settings. This course is dedicated to allow students to work independently, in consultation with the instructor and collaboratively in writing teams. There are a total of four units that focus on three major assignments: the Formal Report, the Application Package on LinkedIn and the Web Folio.

In Unit 1, students will be introduced to the instructor and classmates online. Furthermore, they will form writing teams, build their online site and begin studying the principles of technical and business writing. In Unit 2, students will begin the first phase of the formal report project. They will design a report proposal and submit it for peer review. Feedback will be sent to the instructor via memos. Aside from the formal report project, students will explore LinkedIn by creating a profile and an online resume. In Unit 3, students will enter the second stage of the formal report project. They will draft an outline for the formal report and submit it for peer review. Feedback will be received by the instructor via memos. Furthermore, students will utilize the UBC Career Services website to design and write a job application package to post onto their LinkedIn profile. In Unit 4, students will be entering the final stage and will be finalizing their formal report with a focus on organization, evidence, audience, and style.

My Expectations:

English 301 is a course that I believe will provide me with the tools to further develop my professional career. My resume skills have always been weak and my LinkedIn profile is nothing stellar. I am looking forward to learning new skills to build a strong resume and a professional LinkedIn profile. Furthermore, I hope to improve my proofreading skills since this course is largely based on peer review.

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