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This portfolio is created with the help from course material of ENGL301 which aims to further develop technical writing skills for UBC students. More information about this course can be found via this link (https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2019wa/course-description). This website can be seen as my learning journey since September 2019 and will be served to highlight my academic achievements in preparation for my transition into the workplace. Hopefully through the content of this page you will get to know me better, my motivations and how I learn.

This blog contains my learning process in the form of reflection blog posts that can be found under the “Blog” tab. To learn more about me, please navigate to my “About Me” section. To get a glimpse of my career so far, feel free to navigate to my up to date personal LinkedIn profile under the “LinkedIn Profile” tab. Similarly, my resume as of December 2019 can be found under the “Resume” tab. Through this course, I was able to learn and improve a version of my cover letter in response to job posting by Alloy Technologies Inc. This sample application package can be found under “Application Package” tab. I have included supplementary example of my writing under “Technical Writing Samples” for your reference.

To show the diversity of my skills, I have also included sample GIS work I have performed throughout my time at UBC. To view this work, please navigate to “Sample GIS Work” tab.

More Information about the course and my motivation for taking it:

Technical writing (ENGL 301) is an english course that focuses on professional written communications which is essential in any workplace or business setting. This course introduces a wide array of writing styles for different genres such as abstracts, proposals, reports, etc. On top of independent work and interaction with the instructor, there is a writing team component where students get to learn from their peers through peer review and feedback on blog posts.

Due to my science background, I have frequently encountered report, abstracts, applications writing and I am looking forward to further hone my writing skills on these genres. I am particularly interested in learning how to write more persuasively; especially in learning how to write an effective proposal. I feel that the ability to package and showcase your arguments and present the values you believe in is a valuable skill. This experience is something that is foreign to me and I am excited to practice persuasive writing skill in this course. Furthermore, I am open to improve and learn how to communicate more effectively in a team. I am hoping that the act of practicing writing for this course will allow me to articulate my thoughts more clearly. I am very excited to further explore writing in these different types of format.