December 2019

Cover Letter

December 12, 2019


Mr. Dylan Kirkby

Alloy Technologies Inc.

Unit 301 – 780 Beatty St

Vancouver, BC – V6B 2M1


Re: Data Science Co-op (Vancouver & San Francisco)


Dear Mr. Dylan Kirkby,

It was fascinating for me to read how Alloy uses forecasting techniques to make quick and actional management feedback into the business structure. As a fourth year, Bachelor of Science student majoring in Environmental Sciences with abundant experience in time series analysis and forecasting, I am interested in applying my skills in a demand focused, business mindset. Given my technical modeling skills and a complete system understanding of data collection, I am confident I can make a positive contribution to my data team and the company as a Data Science Co-op.

Through my experience working in three UBC research groups, I am experienced in interchanging between Python, Matlab, and R to perform data analysis to fit numerous research group’s preferred language. I have previously used pandas, SciPy and Scikit-learn while working with NASA’s remote sensing dataset using Anaconda managed Jupyter Notebook. Through enrolling in a graduate level machine learning course (EOSC510/454), I have built a multiple linear regression model and a 4-12-1 Bayesian neural network model to investigate the effect of 2017 forest fire smoke on forest productivity predictors.

Working on two research projects and taking full course load in my last academic year (while achieving an 84% academic average) reflects my ability to thrive under pressure and time management skills. I have performed most technician work independently and on a tight schedule in relation to my other academic commitments; hence, I look forward to continuing challenging myself while working at BMO.

I have gained valuable data system understanding through building various climate data collection systems from my work experience in UBC BIOMET and subsequent employment at UBC. I believe my experience interacting with the entire data cycle, from collection to processing to analysis, have provided me with the ability to evaluate data quality and always connect data behavior with its physical implications.

Given my technical skills gained through academic research and my sight for data quality, I believe I would be a supportive and productive member of the upcoming data team and for Alloy.  Thank you for taking the time to review my resume, and I look forward to speaking to you soon.


Brian Wang

Final Self-assessment reflection

It was no joke when the course introduction mentioned this is an intensive online course. Through this learning process, I have found my writing to have improved drastically. This is achieved through hours of practice, reading my peer’s work and most importantly receiving constructive feedback from my writing team. I have highlighted my biggest takeaways in each section below. 

Importance of outlining

It is very easy to get lost, forget what you are trying to write and why you are writing. This is especially true during writing long reports. I have written many reports before just impatiently diving in blind. Being too excited to get started can be a bad thing as the report usually being too fluffy and being not specific enough.

This is not the case while writing my final report. This course has helped me build the habit of writing an outline. Following it is the easy part with the harder part being creating the outline itself. Trying to capture the essence of what I am trying to communicate takes more energy mentally. Perfecting the arrangement of arguments, supplementing with proof, explanation, and choice of the visual aid is the hard part. However, investing this energy upfront is a lot more efficient and the payoff is a clear, coherent and concise report. Writing the report became easy as each paragraph, each sentence has a purpose. I would even argue that writing the report was the easiest part, I only have to think about word choice instead of focusing on what I am trying to communicate. This has a significant effect on my final report in helping it becoming more coherent and consistent. 

Setting writing goals and write with purpose

I used to be unhappy reading my work. This unhappiness stems from the fact that even I get lost in my writing. Writing with purpose is something I lack and want to improve on coming into this course. I am happy to say I have made progress in doing so as you can tell from my previous section talking about my realization in the importance of outlining. Outlining is the skill I lacked and it took me a long time to realize that is what I needed. I have created outlines before but I didn’t believe in it, I didn’t utilize the full benefit of it. But now something has clicked, I think it is from the intensive writing schedule required of me through this course. The combination of practice with theory allowed me to finally understand what I should be doing. Understanding this proper way of writing is huge for me, for that, I will have to thank this course. 

Ask for feedback and learn from it 

Asking for feedback used to be horrifying for me. Being vulnerable to judgment is the hurdle I couldn’t comprehend. But this course forces you to be open, to feel comfortable to accept the judgment and most importantly learning from it. Accepting other’s criticism and vision of what they believe words should be arranged is eye-opening. Widening my perspective on different writing habits and word choices. This has been an interesting experience that has prepared me for more to come! 

Unit 4 Reflection

I have learned a lot through the process of creating the final report and this web folio. I would say my biggest takeaway is realizing the power of condensation.

I found out my summary of works performed this term at my role of research student changes each time I try to condense my final report. This condensation not only helped me to write more concisely but also allow me to express my intentions more clearly. This increase in clarity while being concise is most apparent when I was creating the executive summary of my final report.

I found writing an executive summary is more appropriate for my report and doing so required me to summarize an entire report down to a page. This led me to write through multiple versions and at the start of each version trying to condense my ideas down to its essence. This allowed me to find new words to express my ideas and in the end, I was very happy.

I couldn’t have written the summary in one version since it is too overwhelming to summarize many hours of work into one page. On the side note, it also scares me that if I had this grand scheme in mind I could’ve performed all required tasks extremely efficiently. I guess this is the advantage of experience and why people would pay more for highly skilled workers with many years of experience under their belt.

But either way, I learned through my “mistakes” and I wouldn’t have been able to mentally comprehend the complex dynamics of what I have been striving to do without completing this formal report. I am very happy with how it turned out and how it captured my thought process throughout the project. Thank you again for this fantastic opportunity to not only practice writing but also an opportunity to reflect.

Job Application Package


Through this course I was able to work on my ability to communicate to future employer about my current skillset and how I can contribute positively to their organization. I have prepared my response for a job posting by Alloy Technologies INC.

A .pdf version of the job application file can be accessed here: ENG301_BrianWang_JobApplicationPackage

Please navigate to the drop down menu for a more interactive experience.

Unit 3 Reflection

Unit 3 Reflection

Write a reflective blog on the process of researching, organizing and writing your formal report draft and the task of reviewing your peer. What did you learn?  

This course have given me the opportunity to write a technical report summarizing the work I’ve done so far in the term. I am currently a work-learn student for Mark, whom the report is addressed to. I am completing report on my own behalf as this report is not required for work; I chose to write on this topic as I see this as an amazing opportunity to apply the skills I learned in ENGL301 at the meantime receiving feedback from my peer and instructor.

In preparation for the report, I revisited all my field notes, meeting summaries and picture i’ve taken around the site and found these materials to be extremely beneficial for writing. It is surprising how much you forget in the short time frame of 4 months of the countless hours of work I have performed. Therefore this has taught me the importance of the habit of recording details of what i am doing in the future, whether if it’s for work or graduate school (thesis writing!).

Report writing became easy once I populated my outline with the material I want to write about. I think it took more energy gathering and organizing contents than the writing itself. I think this is more important than jumping straight into writing as writing with a purpose feels a lot of direct and concise. It also helped significantly with the flow and the transition of my report which I noticed after reading the draft after I finish writing. This experience definitely taught me to keep investing time and energy in the outline of the paper than jumping directly into writing what i think i should be writing.

Reviewing my peer’s work is interesting. I find the content and the flow of the content very engaging and I just want to keep reading. Which made it hard to focus on the grammar or analyzing if the content is fitting with the rest of the report. I ended up just letting myself read the content of the report once over. And then going through the document again to look for grammar mistakes.


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