Author: jasmin senghera

Jasmin’s Web Folio

Hello IncrEDIBLES, I hope you are all doing well. I have completed by Web Folio and I have attached it below. Please feel free to take a look. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavours! Thanks. Home

Jasmin Senghera Formal Report

Hello IncrEDIBLES I’ve attached my formal report and letter of transmittal. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments or suggestions at Thanks! Letter of Transmittal Formal Report  

301 Job Application Package

Hi IncrEDIBLES, Below you will find my complete job application package for a traffic attendant position at the Port of Vancouver. This application package consists of the job advertisement, a cover letter, a résumé, and three reference letter requests. If

Peer Review of Harsha’s Application Package Draft

To:                   Harsha Bhamra, IncrEDIBLES team member From:              Jasmin Senghera, IncrEDIBLES peer reviewer Date:               March 27th, 2019 Subject:           Peer Review of Application Package Thank you for your application package rough draft Harsha. In its entirety, the application package is very well

Jasmin’s Application Package Draft

Hello incrEdibles, Below I have attached the draft components of my application package. Please feel free to notify me of anything I should revise or work on. Thanks! Encl: 301 Jasmin Senghera Job Advertisement 301 Jasmin Senghera Cover Letter 301

Peer Review of Harsha’s Formal Report

To:                   Harsha Bhamra, IncrEDIBLES team member From:              Jasmin Senghera, IncrEDIBLES peer reviewer Date:               March 16th, 2019 Subject:          Peer Review of “An Investigation of Leadership Roles Within Alumni UBC” Thank you

Formal Report Draft

Hello IncrEDIBLES, attached in this blog post is my formal report draft. I hope you enjoy reading it. Please notify me of any changes I should make.   Thanks!

Business Letter

1. Letter of Complaint The University of British Columbia 2550 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1   March 10th, 2019   Aldo Group 2300 Émile-Bélanger Montreal, QC, H4R 3J4   Attention: Customer Contact Centre Subject: Hoodie Not Received Three weeks

Peer Review of ‘You’ Attitude Memo for Madie Leroux

To:                   Madie Leroux From:              Jasmin Senghera Date:               March 3rd, 2019 Subject:           Peer Review of Writing With “You” Attitude Memo Thank you for your memorandum on writing with a “you” attitude. The guidelines you mentioned are thorough and provide

Writing With You Attitude Memo

MEMORANDUM To:                   Evan Crisp, <> From:              Jasmin Senghera, <> Date:               March 3rd, 2019 Subject:           Best Practices in Writing an E-mail to a Professor Introduction Below is the memo you wanted on writing an email to a


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