About Me


Hello, my name is Thu (Navy) Vo and welcome to my blog! I am a 4th year student at the University of British Columbia, pursuing a Bachelor degree in Geological Sciences and expected to graduate in May 2020. I have recently completed my Sciences co-op program with two 8-month terms at a mining technology company and an engineering consulting firm.

With my background in Geology, I am interested in both sectors: mineral exploration and environmental geosciences. From my experience working for an engineering consulting firm, I hope to pursue a professional career in this challenging environment where I can work closely with different departments and tackle multiple projects at the same time. For the first few years of my career, ideally I want to gain as much hands-on experience in the field as possible, whether it is at a mine site, a railway station or at a dam. At the same time, I would like to analyze the field data and implement the results into models in an office environment, so that I can see how my work contributes to the success of the project and/or the organization. In the future, I hope to pursue a Master degree in Applied Sciences to explore more applied ways of looking at geology-related matters, and maybe an MBA when I am ready to become a Project Manager and step into the business side of the industry.

I aspire for optimization. I am passionate in exploring possibilities to implement optimization into my field. To me, Geology is still a heavily human-dependent field, where the abundance of concise data is extremely rare and crucial decisions often come from experience. I hope to develop new ways to optimize processes in this field, which will reduce time, effort and increase efficiency.