To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor, Department of English, The University of British Columbia
From: Thu Vo, Student in English 301 99C course T.V.
Date: February 1st, 2019
Subject: 301 Thu Vo Formal Report Proposal
Follow the instructions on the English 301 website, for assignment 2.1, each student has been asked to write a formal report proposal to persuade an authoritative audience to take action on a particular problem or inefficiency in a public setting. I am happy to inform you that I have posted my formal report proposal on my writing team forum, The TechniWriters. Please find the attached file for your reference.
The attached formal report proposal includes:
- Introduction:
- Background information on Co-op programs
- Audience: directors of the UBC Science Co-op Program and the Earth and Ocean Sciences department
- Study location: UBC Vancouver campus, Earth and Ocean Sciences and UBC Science Co-op Program office
- Statement of problem: UBC Science Co-op Program fails to attract more Geological Sciences students to participate
- Proposed solution:
- Improve promotion timing, consistency and utilization of different platforms
- Create mentoring program for past, current and new co-op students.
- Scope: five areas of inquiry
- Methods:
- Primary data sources: interviews, surveys, and personal experience
- Secondary data sources: publications
- My qualification: former UBC Geological Sciences Co-op student
- Conclusion: Encourage the audience’s acceptance to conduct research on this problem.
Please let me know if you require any additional information. Thank you for your time.
Enclosure: 301 Thu Vo Formal Report Proposal