Author Archives: brinton

A useful antidote for blog postings about “bad grammar”

In this post, Jonathan Owen discusses some of the common fallacies one reads on the web about grammar

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The vagaries of English pronunciation

An historian of the English language would be able to explain the reasons for all of the variant pronunciations in this poem, but it would require considerable expertise. You can have fun trying to read it out loud.

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Mooing in different “dialects”

A (semi-)serious article in the Mail Online discusses the possibility that cows have “regional dialects”: This topic is very amusingly treated in a segment from the NPR podcast “How to Do Everything” (Dec. 31, 2013), where Sir Patrick Stewart … Continue reading

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A follow up on “because”

The American Dialect Society, at its recent annual meeting, chose the prepositional use of “because” as its ‘Word of the Year’: The Society considered other words, such as “twerk” and “selfie”. It’s interesting to look at past ‘Words of … Continue reading

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55 Canadianisms

This blogger (Jules Sherred), not a professional linguist, has done quite a good job identifying a number of new Canadianisms (by using a survey questionnaire). Most all of these will appear in the forthcoming Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical … Continue reading

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What word was coined the year you were born?

Check out this program from the Oxford English Dictionary: It allows you to determine which word was coined the year you were born. My own word is frenemy – what is yours?

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Has “because” become a new preposition?

The use of because as a preposition has been noticed in the media. Writers of dictionaries will have to follow this trend to see whether it survives:

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Does grammatical gender have any reality?

While we know that grammatical gender is arbitrary (not related to the real world sex of the item denoted), can it still have some reality for speakers? This fascinating article explores this topic:

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“Valley Girl Speak” – is there such a thing?

A study by Amalia Arvaniti and Amanda Ritchie of the phenomenon of “uptalking” (rising intonation in declarative sentences) has found that men also participate in this speech pattern, though it is twice as prevalent among young females as males in … Continue reading

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Where are you from? Take this interactive quiz

The following quiz (based on the Harvard Dialect Survey) allows Americans to see where their dialect places them. As a Canadian (or American) you might find it fun to take this survey:

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