Marketing Minute with Drew, Pistachios, and PSY

While perusing some marketing blogs, I came across an article on Drew’s Marketing Minute which brings up the point that consumers don’t really care about the marketer….. nope, all the consumer cares about is….. well… the consumer.

Whether we are buying a specialty product that requires extensive research and careful deliberation, or a shopping product that requires numerous comparison, all we care about are our emotions (and as Drew points out, these emotions can be positive or negative).  And of course we care about our needs/wants.

We care about us.  Andddd marketers need to relate to what we care about.

Lets take a look at some nom nom nom munchies that want to relate to what you care about! Wonderful PISTACHIOS!!!!

These guys are gettin it done right.  They are branching out with their video advertisements to so many celebrities, themes and trends, that you are sure to find one that is related to you.  Just to name a few: The Harlem Globetrotters, Twitter, The Simpsons, SnoopManny Pacquiao, Lucy of the Peanuts Gang

And the most recent video, Gangnam Style!

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This advertisement was played during the 2013 Super Bowl which had over 108 million viewers.

Lets break it down.

What need is this advertisement addressing?  Hunger.  But a special kind of hunger, a hunger for that salty taste that comes with a mouth watering roasted pistachio.

And what emotion?  Your Gangnam emotion.  That emotion that makes you want to dance around as if you are holding a lasso.  This is a positive emotion, drawing on the times you spent imitating PSY in your living room surrounded by your friends.

As Drew says, advertising is “more about the customer and less about you”, and the Wonderful Pistachios are crackin them your style!

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