Ethics in Marketing

Drunk Driving: Presentation to Youth

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Drunk driving has become a major issue and is a leading factor in the death of youth.  According to MADD “Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among 15 to 25 year olds, and alcohol is a factor in 45% of those crashes.”  Alcohol has become integrated into our society, and is often promoted as an essential aspect of social gatherings among youth.

I have observed alcohol in the media in two ways; the promotion of use in having fun and in the caution of its use.  This video is presenting an ethical form of marketing by promoting responsibility in the use of alcohol.  Many commercials use the consequences of drunk driving as a tool of prevention, however, in this commercial, Captain Morgans uses humour.  The humour can also be seen targeting a younger generation by the integration of the robot guest. By using humour, the prevention of drunk driving is presented in a more positive and light-hearted manner.

At the end of every alcohol commercial there is a disclaimer of “please drink responsible” or something to the like of this phrase.  This is used to prevent the possibility of a lawsuit, and although having this phrase is a positive action and contains ethical content, it does not require a lot of effort by the alcohol company to have this disclaimer.  However, this commercial takes the communication of staying responsible while consuming alcohol a step further by having a full commercial devoted to acting responsible.  This is a demonstration of corporate social responsibility.  The company is addressing the social impact that alcohol has on society.

By creating an advertisement of this nature, the brand Captain Morgan is presenting itself against the action of drunk driving.  It targets youth in this commercial, and gives itself an image of being a socially responsible company by promoting ethical values.


3 thoughts on “Ethics in Marketing

  1. Haha, “Captain Keymaster.” I love this! Great commercial you found, Erin. I wish more alcohol companies would create these kind of ads, rather than simply having an effortless disclaimer at the end like you’ve stated. Not only does it increase their brand as a socially responsible company, it contributes to a better and safer society. Totally contradicts the kind of alcohol ads I wrote about in my blog where they used celebrities who are greatly influential to youth and promote drinking.

  2. Hi Erin, great post, very well written that addresses a serious issue in a different perspective. I too have noticed a change in the way alcohol is presented and marketed in an attempt to broaden the minds of a younger crowd on the issue. Barcardi’s campaign against drink-driving includes seven time world champion F1 driver Michael Schumacher to explain that drinking and driving, literally, don’t mix ( It is good to see drink companies going that bit further to raise awareness on the issue of drink driving however I have noticed it is traditionally the companies orientated towards younger partiers, companies that supply drinks to the “clubbing” group. I am aware that this group is the most vulnerable and naive to drink-driving inclinations however I think it would be great to see premium, luxury brands address the issue as well in order to appeal to the wealthier older generation that don’t go out to clubs but may still fall victim to drunk driving. I understand this issue is very prevalent in Canada especially surrounding public holidays. It would be great to see a brand associated with Canadian national pride and craftsmanship to be promoting such a cause, I’m thinking of brands like Molson and Royal Crown but to name a few). As well as the promotion against drink-driving it would be great to see a partnership between drinks companies and governments or third party companies to promote alternatives such as the bus, cabs and car-pooling, potentially even, at reduced rates perhaps during certain times to avoid the consequences that result when drinks and the wheel mix!

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