
Lose weight, eat right, stop biting nails, quit smoking—the new year, for many people, means a new slew of changes. While staying committed to your resolutions can be challenging while working a day job, there are ways to succeed at UBC!

Resolution #1: Eat Right

There are lots of great healthy places to eat on campus to stay on track and I’m sure you know about all of them. Here are some other ideas.

  1. Take a cooking class through UBC Continuing Studies
    • There are many great classes to choose from and you can use your staff tuition waivers to find a class that suits your needs!
  1. Get nutrition support or help from a Registered Dietician through EFAP
    • Get support through the UBC Employee and Family Assistance Program for nutrition or other personal support and resources to increase  personal well-being!

Resolution #2: Get Fit

Wanting to increase your physical strength or cardio? You can so this all on campus on your lunch break or after work!

  1. UBC Aquatic Centre – Join drop-in swimming, use the gym, join an Aqua Zumba class or soak in the hot tub.
  • $ 5.75 – Drop-In | $ 52.00 – 10 visits | $ 86.75 – 2 months unlimited
  1. Get a gym membership or join a fitness class with UBC Recreation
  1. Play lunch time tennis or join the UBC Squash Club
  1. Find some accessible yoga with the UBC Yoga Club and pay 2 for a session (with $20 Staff membership fee)
Get outside
Photo taken on a lunch time walk on January 13, 2016


Resolution # 3: Be more mindful and slow down

We work in one of the most beautiful areas of Vancouver. So, get away from your desk and your phone and take a moment to stop

Breathe in…….and breathe out.

  1. Take a walk with a friend to the Museum of Anthropology, UBC Botanical Gardens, or the Nitobe Memorial Garden. All of these gorgeous places are within walking distance from Brock Hall.
  2. Check out the resources for mindfulness and meditation from UBC HR.
  3. Try out the UBC Mindfulness Challenge which is starting on February 1 or March 14th

What resolutions have you made this year? Share in the comments section below.