ES March Pet of the Month

  Stanford hugsIntroducing Stanford!

  1. Type of Pet: Hedgehog
  2. Age:   3 years old.
  3. Owner:  Luke Dawson (Student Support & Advising, Vancouver campus)
  4. Favourite thing about Stanford:  He is incredibly cute to look at (but not to touch).  He is quite an unusual pet and I enjoy introducing him to people for the first time.
  5. Stanford’s favourite pastime:  Running in his wheel, hiding in dark corners and rolling into a ball.
  6. Interesting facts about Stanford: Hello!! My name is Stanford and I am an African Pygmy Hedgehog.  I hate filling in online dating profiles, but here we go!  I love long walks along the beach, and sipping Pina Coladas poolside.  When I met Luke, my name was Boo, but he changed it to Stanford (I am not sure why but you will agree it is much cuter).  I just turned 3 years old, which is about 60 human years old – I look good for elderly hedgie, wouldn’t you agree?  Running in a wheel and dry cat food keeps me looking trim and terrific!

More pictures of Stanford ahead >> 

Stanford Crawls



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