Do you know that UBC helped over 36,000 people in the Lower Mainland last year? Our goal this year is to help 40,000 people in recognition of the 40 year partnership between UBC and the United Way.

Come out and support the launch of the UBC Community United Way Campaign by participating in the upcoming Week of Caring beginning on October 11th!


In addition to taking part in the week’s festivities, we encourage you to consider:


  • A payroll pledge (available starting October 11th, 2016)
  • Completing a paper pledge
  • Joining the SHHS/VPS/Brock Hall United Way Committee
  • Becoming a sponsor by donating a prize item to this year’s campaign

Questions? Please contact Patty Gallivan by email at

The United Way of the Lower Mainland is a non-profit organization that delivers more than 400 programs and services to members of Lower Mainland communities. The United Way focuses on prevention and addresses the underlying causes of critical social issues such as poverty, bullying and social isolation before they become crises. The University of British Columbia (Vancouver and Okanagan) has been the top contributor to the United Way for many years. Sine 2009 UBC has consistently raised over $500,000 in support of the local community.
