Students are sparse, campus is quiet and colleagues have vacated the premises.  Yes, summer is here at UBC Vancouver and we’re stuck working but is it all that bad?  Admissions Vancouver knows how to beat that s-s-s-summertime sadness and here’s just how they do it!

Photo Credit: Monika Malczynski, Admissions
Model:  Nicola Austin, Admissions

PHOTO ONE_no_line_up_Welcome_centre
No line ups!! Looking good, Monday 🙂
PHOTO TWO_Empty_pathways
Taking a walk? Lots of space and blue skies to light that empty path!

PHOTO THREE_Don't_like_seating_arrangement
Don’t like the seating arrangements? No Problem! Neither do we!


Is that the SUB? Sure is! EMPTY!!!
PHOTO FIVE_Conferences
Conference in the SUB! Maybe we’ll get an invite!
PHOTO SIX_Post Office
No need to go postal – no line up at the Post Office!
PHOTO SEVEN_Nicola jumping into pond
Want to go postal anyway? Why not?!!
PHOTO EIGHT_Nicola_lounging_outside
Time for a nap? Ahhh! Perfect (empty) pathway!
Rise and Shine, time for a coffee. No line up at Starbucks!!!
PHOTO TEN_ University_belongs_to_you
The University belongs to me.