Title of the book: Information Technology and Indigenous People
Author(s)/Editor(s): Laurel Evelyn Dyson; Max Hendriks; Stephen Grant
Release Date: August, 2006
This book provides “theoretical and empirical information related to the planning and execution of IT projects aimed at serving indigenous people. It explores many cultural concerns with IT implementation, including language issues and questions of cultural appropriateness, and brings together cutting-edge research from both indigenous and non-indigenous scholars”. (excerpt from http://www.igi-global.com/bookstore/titledetails.aspx?titleid=581)
Many Indigenous people these days are paying attention to information technology because it’s a way to preserve their traditions and cultures for future generations and a way to provide their communities with “economic and social renewal”. However, the reality, such as financial, geographic, and educational issues, is resisting them to adopt IT. Most Indigenous communities can’t afford the cost of technological tools. Geographical isolation is also preventing them from having contact with technologies. Moreover, due to a lack of education, most of the communities don’t have an IT person who is computer literate. This book explores these problems and suggests possible solutions.
This book looks really cool! I am adding it to my reading list. As a teacher I found the lack of rural connectivity challenging. Definite technological literacy gaps start to form when one community is connected and another is not. I hope a recommendation in the book is to equip students with skills to be able to learn how to use new information and skills for peer learning. If the book didn’t already mention it you might be interested in http://fnbc.info/fntc The First Nations Technology Council’s site. I met one of the council members and they really made me think for the first time how much of an equity issue this is and why, for the sake of rural community sustainability, Canada needs to rectify this inequality.