So I WAS really excited to share this, but as I went back through the previous weblog entries, I can see that others have already found this. Not sure how I missed it. So maybe it’s worth posting AGAIN. As outlined on the website, FirstVoices is a group of web-based tools and services designed to support Aboriginal people engaged in language archiving, language teaching & culture revitalization. This site is clearly very relevant to the conversations we’ve been having in class. Please take a moment to visit the website: http://www.firstvoices.com/en/home
Basically, it’s all about learning First Nations languages online. It includes an interactive map which allows you to select a language by region, and then you can actually listen to the pronunciation of many of the syllables of different First Nations Languages.
The unique feature I’d like to point out, which hasn’t been mentioned previously, is the existence of mobile app platforms. Check out this link: http://fnbc.info/first-voices-mobile-apps-iphoneipodipad After having visited some of the more poorly maintained First Nations Language websites, I think it’s fantastic to see a website and product so well developed and supported. No doubt the financial support from groups such as New Relationship Trust, TELUS, the Department of Canadian Heritage, and the Government of British Columbia go a long way in ensuring that this is a successful venture.