Aboriginal Digital Opportunities

Greenall & Lizides (2001) Aboriginal Digital Opportunities: Addressing Aboriginal Learning Needs through the Use of Learning Technologies. The Conference Board of Canada.

This report broadened my perspective and knowledge about the use of computer technology in Aboriginal communities across Canada. It outlines benefits and challenges, and tries to provide Aboriginal perspectives on increasing digital opportunities. The document is based on a research study involving 10 communities selected to “represent a cross-section of Aboriginal communities ranging from urban to rural and from north to south.” Detailed description of each case study is provided in Appendix 1.


November 18, 2010   No Comments

Northern Ontario indigenous films

Thunderstone Pictures and First Nation Initiative



Michelle Derosier, filmmaker and social worker, from Migisi Sahgaigan, (Eagle Lake First Nation), is behind Thunderstone Pictures and the First Nation Initiative. She is interested in using films to empower – both the participants of the films and audience members — as in the case of these three documentaries.

Sharing Tebwewin (Sharing the Truth)

The trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNLGPntkvIs&feature=player_embedded

An educational documentary designed to help health workers become more “culturally competent” in their work with First Nations people. It features interviews with Dr. Cornelia (Nel) Wieman, the first indigenous woman to become a psychiatrist in Canada. It also features a discussion panel of First Nations Health professionals and interviews with Stella Montour, a Consumer/Survivor advocate. The video tackles the impacts of historical issues like Residential Schools and the 60’s Scoop and draws on the experience and knowledge of Nel and other professionals to illustrate why culturally specific and historically-informed services are an essential and immediate requirement.

Seeking Bimaadiziiwing (Seeking the Good Life)

The trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VYFBApbszE&feature=related

A community-based project made in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. It focuses on the tough issues of racism, depression and suicide among First Nations Youth. It is intended for therapeutic use with clients to encourage participation in group therapy and to spark discussion about these critical issues. It also serves to illustrate the diversity within modern Anishinawbe culture (Northwestern Ontario, Canada) and to point out different healing and spiritual approaches.

Healing Lens

The trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hbyul1vgc8M&NR=1

A documentary of inspiration that brings humanism and personal reference to the unfolding story of this generation of native youth. The film exemplifies the far-reaching effects of Canada’s racist policies on today’s young people. In real life, each of these four remarkable young people are overcoming the past and are engaged in unique ways of healing themselves – ways we can all learn from.

Also see http://www.doxafestival.ca/media/files/DOXA_2010_Healing_Lens.pdf

September 27, 2010   No Comments

One Laptop Per Child (OLPC)

Milgate, Gina (2009). “One Laptop Per Child Initiative and Indigenous Communities” by Gina Milgate. Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER).


It is still early to evaluate the educational impact of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) initiative on indigenous peoples around the world. The above article is a positive review of the program in a remote area of Western Australia about 11 months after the laptops were introduced.

While some researchers like Charles Ess (Drury University and leader of the Association of Internet Researchers) has said that the OLPC initiative is “foundering on issues of culture,” most reviews from host countries and organizations are very positive.

See also:




September 27, 2010   No Comments