Module 1 / post 4: The Greek Myth is there!

Raven that is,
Raven that was,
Raven that always will be.
Make prayers to the Raven.
Raven, bring us luck.
from the Koyukon

A great source of ideas about the First Nations literature and its impact on their of life is the interpretations of their local stories and fables. The fact that there could be different interpretations to their stories can  be a factor in creating different tribes with different cultural commitments. Stories about animals are very common in the First Nation . However there is more focus on the raven , the bird. I read about it a lot because I want to know more about the indigenous culture. A good source to look at this one:

One of the topics that I really was interested in is the Greek mythology. I like the way they were depicted and the way they were interpreted.  When I read any literature work about the First Nations I feel that I am reading something similar to the Greek Myth. Nobody knew who wrote the Greek myths and it is still one of the debatable things about them. But looking deeply at the First Nations Myths, so to speak, will probably solve the riddles behind the Greek Myths.  I am sure the above-mentioned source will trigger a lot of ideas and valuable thoughts in the readers especially if they are well-acquainted with the Greek Mythology.

The quotation I write at the beginning of this posting is taken from website.


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