Tag Archives: indigenious

Entry 8: Language and Culture

The world loses a language every two weeks” – Wade Davis

The IRCA (Indigenious Remote Communications Association) “is the peak body that represents and advocates for the media and communications interests of remote and very remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia.”  This site discusses the importance of maintaining and strengthening the languages of aboriginal groups. Languages hold a key to the tranmission of culture, ideas, values, etc and often some information can not be translated into nother language, say English, wihout losing the importance of the information.  Therefore, it is imperative that the languages of aboriginal peoples be maintained.

IRCA “believes that strong language and culture are fundamental to strengthening Indigenous identity and culture.”

Languages contain complex understandings of a person’s culture, their identity and their connection with their land. Language enables the transference of culture and cultural knowledge across generations. Languages are a source of pride and strength.

The site goes on to list several key reasons for languages. These include 1) Culture    2) Health, Education, Employment  3) Heritage  4) Economics  5) Science and Sustainability  6) Reconciliation.  IRCA also offers many documents and reports that  support indigenious languages.
