Shir Ekerling – Founder of AccessiBe
AccessiBe offers a suite of services: Some free and others paid. They advertise powerful tools such as their AccessWidge that use AI to go in and fix issues of accessibility directly within the code of the website. It has an easy-to-use interface that allows users to customize their approach to accessibility. AccessiBe also offer a […]
Empowering people, Bridges to Health and Equity
Due to its clinical severity, the Coronavirus outbreak declared in January 2020 was an international public health emergency. The term “pandemic” refers to the geographic distribution of disease, reaching all continents, data from the World Health Organization. In the health area, in addition to exposing access problems and system equipment, the pandemic acted as a […]
Dylan Field – Co-founder and CEO of Figma
Venture Description: Figma is a cloud-based design tool that allows team collaborative designs. Similar to many other online design tool in functionality and features, Figma simplifies the tools and design process but more productive and effective than other programs at helping designers to work collaboratively and efficiently. Figma is founded by Dylan Field, who is […]
Rohan Mahimker- CEO and CoFounder of Prodigy Education (Math & English)
*Note: This is an updated and add-on to the post by Johnny Wu on May 28, 2019 Mission: To help every student in the world love learning. Prodigy Math is an online learning adventure that uses game-based learning to motivate students to practice their math skills which are aligned with the curriculum. The games […]
Darren Winterford: Workplace Learning
“Changing the way the world learns at work” Darren Winterford, Founder & CEO at EdApp (via Linkedin) Founder: Darren Winterford Darren Winterford is the Founder and CEO of EdApp, ” a cloud-based training platform dedicated to offering innovative, low-cost, mobile-first learning to workplaces across the globe” (Winterford, Linkedin). Winterford is a graduate of the University of […]
Mark Gainey: Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Strava
Strava is an American internet service that tracks users’ exercises and shares them with some social media features. Strava records an user’s activities, including distance, average speed, elevation, time, and heart rate, which can then be shared with others. The results are compiled and a leaderboard is made, so that users are then competing against […]