A3 Venture Pitch: Video Game Learning Space

A3 Venture Pitch: Video Game Learning Space

Hello everyone! This is my venture pitch about a dream of mine to create a learning space with video games. Game-based learning has been an important part of my life and it has been something I wanted to share. I don’t know when I plan on making this a reality. I don’t think I am […]

Game-Based Learning

Game-based learning is training that uses game characteristic and principals within the learning activities themselves. Using core learning content, learning becomes fun and interactive. In game-based learning, two types of games that can be used include commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) games and educational games. The type of learning that takes place from these opportunities is experiential learning. […]

A1 – Analyst Report: Discord

A1 – Analyst Report: Discord

Discord is an instant messaging platform where individuals can enter and contribute to communities of their choice. This is my analyst report

Johnny Warström – CEO & Co-Founder of Mentimeter

Johnny Warström – CEO & Co-Founder of Mentimeter

Founder name: Johnny Warström Venture name: Mentimeter Description of Venture: Menitmeter is an online presentation platform that allows presenters to garner and visualize data and engagement from their audience. The platform hopes to circumvent the inefficient and sometimes boring process of large meetings. In 2021, Mentimeter was included in the Deloitte FAST 50, named the […]

Google For Education – Emerging Trends in the Classroom

Google For Education – Emerging Trends in the Classroom

Google for Education provides global reports and country-by-country data trends about the evolving classroom. Google collaborated with research partner, Canvas8, to conduct expert interviews, academic literature reviews and surveys. I have attached a link to the trends they found about Canada in the link below: https://services.google.com/fh/files/misc/canada_future_of_the_classroom_country_report.pdf I think the resource is valuable for helping educators […]

Jackson Liang – Introduction

Jackson Liang – Introduction

Hi everyone, My name is Jackson and I have been living in Vancouver for all 26 years of my life. This is the 7th course I am taking for the MET program and I am also working full time with the Vancouver School Board as a permanent TOC. This is my third year teaching and […]