A3 – EduTrip VR
Please follow the link below to view my elevator pitch and venture pitch. EduTrip VR is the solution to making virtual reality learning experiences widely available in Canadian classrooms for grades 5-9! We enable classrooms to take part in VR experiences without the staggering upfront expense of purchasing VR equipment. https://sites.google.com/view/edutrip-vr/home
Analyst Report – No Red Ink
https://sites.google.com/view/analystreportetec522/home?authuser=0 In my work as a middle school classroom teacher, one of the most challenging aspects of Language Arts instruction has been providing students with ways to practice specific grammar, spelling and writing concepts, based on the feedback I give them on their assignments. Differentiated instruction is key when teaching writing skills, especially with the […]
Week 6: OER Immersive Technologies
As technology continues to improve and we push the limits of computer science, education must adapt. Immersive experiences have the ability to take students out of their seats and lets them explore all of the wonders of our world. The future of immersive experiences is limitless. It truly is an exciting time to be an […]
Peter Gault – Quill.org
Quill is a not-for-profit that “has adapted research-based writing instruction into a free, open-source digital platform”(Quill, 2022). They do provide a paid version of their service for schools that include premium features, but the foundation of their mission is to provide all students with the ability to access quality writing instruction. I have used Quill […]
How Technology is Shaping Learning in Higher Education – McKinsey
This report focused on the experiences of students and educators from institutions of higher education in the United States with educational technology used during the switch to online learning necessitated at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. It categorizes educational technologies and has clear information about which were used most frequently and which students and […]
Katie’s Introduction
Hello everyone! Hi! My name is Katie and I am a grade 6/7 teacher in Vancouver. I work in a fine arts program and absolutely love teaching middle school age students. I originally trained as a secondary French and Drama teacher at UBC and did my undergraduate degree at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. In […]