Insight Learning Engine

I have often become frustrated by the hard segregation between instructional design and media production when it comes to eLearning design. In my creation, I have attempted to address the issues I encounter on a daily basis in my work as an eLearning designer. Insight Learning Engine solves the fragmented workflow of modern tech-leveraged instructional […]

Week 7: Visually Intensive Learning

Week 7: Visually Intensive Learning

You might remember Visually Intensive Learning (VIL) from the Emerging Markets Poll early in the course or last week’s mLearning and ELL OER where it was mentioned. If not, we’re here to refresh your memory! VIL is a broad category of educational practices and technologies, covering any learning material which significantly relies on visual communication. […]

Analyst Report: Investing in Workplace Cloud Learning Technologies

Analyst Report: Investing in Workplace Cloud Learning Technologies

Cloud technology is not new, but it is continuing to change the way data is stored and accessed. A cloud is just a name for a network of remote servers that share information to provide increased speed, security, and reliability. This also means that organizations are able to outsource more of their IT infrastructure to […]

Wes Bos founder of

Wes Bos founder of

Wes is a Canadian computer programming teacher who has taught hundreds of thousands of students through his online courses. I have been a fan of his for years as his free courses helped me pass my web development classes in college. I could not find an image of him with full usage rights hence the […]

Åsmund Furuseth, founder of Kahoot!

Åsmund Furuseth and Kahoot!

Original post by Tyler on May 27, 2019 Åsmund Furuseth is C.E.O. and a co-founder of Kahoot!, the e-learning platform that allows educators to design multiple choice quizzes for their students. The responses to the questions are then tabulated in real time by the software and a running tally is shown on the screen after every question. The […]

Hello from Vancouver

Hello from Vancouver

Hi ETEC 522 cohort, I’m looking forward to getting started with this unique course and learning about your thoughts on ventures in learning technologies. I have previously started a few different types of “ventures” and I think the process of creating new systems that are valuable and beneficial for people and communities is important and […]