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iGen: Connected Kids are Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy, and Completely unprepared for Adulthood

iGen: Connected Kids are Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy, and Completely unprepared for Adulthood

Original post by Brogan Pratt on January 16, 2019 iGen, (sometimes referred to as GenZ) is the latest generation born from 1994 onwards. They are characterized by being born into the internet age, and to have never experienced a world without global connectivity. They are also, radically different from millennials. iGen Jean Twenge is a […]

Is social media replacing our real relationships or adding to them?

Is social media replacing our real relationships or adding to them?

Originally posted by rtelford on January 21, 2017 Lately there seems to be more and more discussion as to how our hyperconnected lives may be affecting our behaviour and how we may be addicted to our devices. In the video below Dr. Daniel Siegel considers these ideas as he answers the question: Is social media replacing our […]

MindMeister – Realtime Collaboration

MindMeister – Realtime Collaboration

Originally posted by Rebecca on January 20, 2019 In teaching the writing process, brainstorming and organizing ideas are critical skills to employ when writing in another language.  I wanted to find an app that allowed for both synchronous and asynchronous input.  MindMeister has proven to be a gem of a product.  The writing component of my course has […]

Unable to email instructor

Hi David, Any email I send to you bounces back. Did you get any email from me yesterday or today? Thanks.

Mobile Culture – Discord and Mobile Communities

Mobile Culture – Discord and Mobile Communities

Original post by adrian wheeler on September 20, 2019 One of the most transformative aspects of mobile culture for me in the last few years has been Discrod and its unintentional evolution from a gamer-friendly VOIP (voice over IP) app to a hub for community. While Discord advertises itself as a “free voice and text […]

Tiktok revolutionary or Social Media Trend?

Tiktok revolutionary or Social Media Trend?

Originally posted by Lori Jones on September 22, 2019  How is Tik Tok working for education? The jury is out really. There are investigations in multiple countries about the privacy of the content and data generated by this application. Tik Tok (formerly is a social media platform that has similarities to Insta stories, and Snapchats but […]

Wearable Technologies and the Social Side of Fitness Tracking

Wearable Technologies and the Social Side of Fitness Tracking

Originally posted by ttrembl on October 24, 2019 Here is another post about wearable technology and the social side of fitness tracking or the current mobile culture of working out. A number of brands have developed wearable technology where the user can pair the watch with their smart phones in order to track most everything. With the […]

ARe you ready?

ARe you ready?

My first, and only, exposer to AR was this past summer when I played Harry Potter: Wizards Unite on my phone. It was like discovering a hidden world; people and monsters that I couldn’t see in real life now appeared right in front of me. The world around me was transformed into an immersive gaming […]

Big Data: What it is and how it can be used in Education

Big Data: What it is and how it can be used in Education

Author unknown, originally published October 26th 2013 There has been a lot of talk lately about Big Data and I was curious why companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter and Yahoo are investing a large amount of resources into its development. Big Data is essentially the ability to process large and complex data sets. Right now the maximum size […]

Responsive vs. Adaptive Design

Originally posted by mreinoso on March 15, 2016 Hi everyone, I came across this article that explains the difference between responsive and adaptive design, and when to choose one or the other. We are in the process of making our courses mobile friendly and, in our case (and several meetings later), adaptive design makes more sense, mainly because […]