Trace Together – Covid Contact Tracing App
Bluetooth tracking technology is not new, however in recent months an application for it is being developed world wide. In this article Justin Trudeau announces the plan to endorse a single contact tracing app for Canadians. Many apps have been developed, for example TraceTogether from Singapore and ABTraceTogether from Alberta. As seen in the chart […]
Sharing City Seoul: mobile solutions for urban problems
Originally posted by (name missing) on September 24, 2017 Though not exactly a mobile resource, examining the efforts made by Seoul as they use mobile technologies to solve urban issues is an important resource to learn from and reflect on. Dubbed as the “world’s most wired city”, Seoul has a world-class IT and civic infrastructure, the highest fiber […]
Touchcast – An App for Creating Transmedia Storyworlds
Originally posted by Kate Quinn on June 4, 2018 Last week, I attended the Advancing Learning conference at Fanshawe College in London Ontario which explores tech in post-secondary classrooms. One of the most intriguing speakers introduced me to an app called Touchcast. Students now are constantly ‘expressing their cultural identity fluently across all of their mature media channels’ […]
Google Maps is Changing Culture
Original post by Unknown author on January 22, 2017 While definitely not a new app, in fact Google Maps has now been around for almost 12 years, it and other mapping technologies have changed the way people interact with the world. Especially in its mobile form, Google maps has changed the way we navigate new […]
Mindfulness – There’s an app for that
Original post by Unknown author on January 19, 2017 On a recent episode of Spark (a technology radio show on the CBC) they began discussing using apps to improve mindfulness. Spark interviewed the founder of Mindfulness Everywhere who have created several mindfulness apps including a guided meditation, which actually integrate your mobile device into your meditation for example; look at […]
A3: The Future of Text-based Communication
Original post by not listed on March 23, 2016 I’m currently in ETEC590 creating my eportfolio. As I was reflecting back on my MET journey, I decided to put my learning from previous courses into a mobile context. I was inspired to write this blog after reflecting on ETEC540, which looks at the changing spaces of text technologies. […]
Holograms in education?
Original post by dustin hyde on August 5, 2018 A week or so ago I was listening to favourite podcast of mine on the CBC called Under the Influence by Terry O’Reilly. This particular episode focused on Dead Celebrities and their ability to make money via advertisements for for various companies. pDead celebrities have very little to […]
A1 : The impact of mobile learning on cognitive learning
Originally posted by vivien kamhoua on June 23, 2018 I can personally see some changes that technology immersion and mobile learning are bringing into my cognitive learning habits. I have decided to investigate how mobile learning is affecting our cognitive learning. From the time where it was common to memorise and remember someone’s phone number till now […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. This is how
This article written by Cathy Link and Farrah Lalani was posted on the World Economic Forum. This article depicts how COVID-19 has transformed and altered the way we educate our students. The authors illustrate how the education sector responded to this unprecedented crisis. Specific examples of how different government and schools coped with the situation […]
Mobile Culture vs Culturally Mobile?
With mobile technologies being increasingly intertwined in our daily lives, there are two major ways that mobile can blend with culture. The first is when mobile devices are used in a way that reflects pre-existing cultural practices or social patterns. This is discussed interestingly in an article by CNN on mobile etiquette across the world. […]