Mobile Activism? or Awareness?

A1 – Mobile Activism

By Mel on June 21, 2020; Original Post

On the idea of activism and awareness, mobility resources have been found to be very useful to spread messages, rallies and information, positive and negative. The subject of activism has always astonished my interests. From my point of view, I do not agree with activism on the protest level, changing someones’ personal view on any subject or from a rant argumentative approach. I agree with activism on levels of awareness. I guess you can say I see change from the Dalai Lama’s perspective. Peace, kindness, respect and forgiveness with prevail! I am not saying that activism itself is wrong but not right for my personal world view. B.C. (before covid) society, activists were becoming more active on social media. Since mobile technology has been getting better every 3 -6 months it is easier to go live on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok. Rallying the troops, so to speak, has become a different phrase.

The question I have in mind is if mobile technology and activism has combined are they from a reliable source? On one hand, mobility and activism can play a vital role on shaping history and creating awareness for positive change. On the other hand, mobile activism can also create instability, fear, fake news and over-all chaos. It seems individuals are more aggressive and out spoken when using mobile technology or on a mobile platform such as TikTok or Facebook. Although mobile technology has been created to make life easier and more mobile from the age of the fax machine or dail-up internet, but has also given a platform for negative views. In my opinion, individual or group should become disciplined in a critical thinking approach. Mobile technology can be an excellent reliable resource if used properly. As educator’s, it is important to understand that teacher’s have a huge impact on young minds and molding their futures. It is vital to remember to leave personal views and biases out when teaching so that it does not openly change how students view the world. How should mobile technology be used to assist in change on positive levels?

The following video has no relation to mobile technology. The information shared within the video should provide a knowledge base for mobile activism. Listening, communication and understanding should be a driving force in the use of mobile technology. Mobile technology will only advance on levels we can only dream but will eventually become reality.

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One response to “Mobile Activism? or Awareness?”

  1. Evelyne Tsang

    Mobile activism is a close cousin to online influencers. People following these sites will be motivated to act, based on what is posted.
    AI influencers become a question, then. What do we do when the message is computer-generated by a consortium?

    Here are some virtual influencers already out there:

    Given the current situation of online communications, what educational tools and skills should we be providing our students so that they learn to think critically before taking (influenced) action?

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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