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Week 9 – DIY Learning

Week 9 – DIY Learning

Welcome to our DIY Learning OER! This project has a bit of a DIY flavour in how you may experience it. Check the homepage for the process and know that at the end we ask everyone to post a response to one or more of the following discussion questions (don’t worry, we’ll remind you […]

A Caveman Does Video With OBS

A Caveman Does Video With OBS

It has been 72 hours since anything new was added to the Knowledge Mill. This seems weird somehow and I don’t like it. To ease my own discomfort here is a 15 minute long tutorial on how to use Open Broadcaster Studio to do daily classroom updates using video, a technique I’ve used throughout the […]

Virtual Reality and its therapeutic application

VR or Virtual Reality has rapidly developed into a force majeur in education and therapy.  Applied in learning and at present, as a largely exploratory tool in health, specifically mental Health, this  presentation is designed to introduce the history and design behind VR.    From my perspective as a Healthcare professional facing both the anxieties of a Covid pandemic population […]

A1- Hello! How are you feeling today?

A1- Hello! How are you feeling today?

Emotional Intelligence Apps in the Context of Learning and Leading

Create your own app with Apper!

Create your own app with Apper!

For my A1 project, I decided to explore Apper, an app creator tool! For this assignment, I chose to build a step-by-step video to display the application’s key features and share a concrete example using this course as my model.  Hope you enjoy!

A1: Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy

A1: Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy

Please check out the 2-page infographic I created which explores how VR is currently being used as an alternative to in-vivo exposure therapy in treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and specific phobias. I will also attach the infographic as images below, but I encourage you to view it using the link, as […]