Week 9 Moveable Feast: Experience Design
Hi everyone! Here is the link to the Google site that Andrew Dunn and I created on Experience Design. We included a few discussion questions and we look forward to your responses in the discussion forum here on WordPress. https://sites.google.com/view/etec-523-a2-experience-design/home?authuser=0
Week 8 Moveable Feast: Augmented Reality (AR) in Education
Please follow the link to Michelle Kim’s and my Google Site on augmented reality in education, with an additional focus on decolonization. https://sites.google.com/view/etec523mobileandopenlearning/what-is-ar We have a discussion section you are invited to join in. We would appreciate hearing about your own experiences using AR technology in the classroom, or about any resources or recommendations you […]
(A1) The Use of AI Image Makers in the Elementary Classroom
I chose to look at AI technology for this assignment, as the rapidly developing is becoming more and more important in the modern world. Specifically, I tackled the use of Hotpot.ai image generation in an Elementary setting for the purposes of enhancing writing lessons, and how that links to the topic of AI in school. […]
A1: Google Sites
Here is the link to my analytical publishing project. https://sites.google.com/view/etec523/home
There is no AI!
I read a really interesting take on AI from Jaron Lanier in the New Yorker. He also spoke about the same issues during a recent talk at Berkeley. The premise of his argument is that what we are calling “AI” is really just a super-clever suite of mashup technologies that take training data and use […]
I challenged myself and recorded my analyses as an audio recording/podcast. It is a bit choppy as it was my first time using Audacity. Cheers
Week 7 Movable Feast: DIY Learning (A2)
Please follow the link to the website Amy and I made describing the examples and possibilities of DIY Learning through mobile technology. https://sites.google.com/view/diylearningetec523?usp=sharing Please do take a look at the discussion section where you can add your own experiences on the DIY apps you have used. Here on the blog we would also like to […]