A1: Microlearning and Corporate Training

Hi everyone!

For my A1 I chose to make a course on microlearning and its applications to corporate training. The course covers:

  • What is microlearning?
  • Benefits and challenges of microlearning
  • Factors that influence the adoption of microlearning in organizations

The course has been built in a microlearning format. I welcome others to take the course using a mobile device and to share any feedback on the course.

The course can be accessed through the link here: Microlearning and Corporate Training



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One response to “A1: Microlearning and Corporate Training”

  1. Kirsten

    Hi Lynn,

    I love that the focus is on microlearning, not microteaching. I’ve got diverse octopus thoughts in my tentacle brain but what struck the most resonate chord for me in your mini training session was that microlearning appeals to both ends of the employee spectrum. Ambitious overachievers will thrive with multiple training options while dually leaving space for the unmotivated to do as little as possible.

    Another thought is that in tandem with mobile and open technology, microlearning expands the potential for individuals to acquire quick skills and hard information for situations unfolding in real time. This draws echoes of DIY in your presentation as intrinsic motivation is an integral piece of any learning.

    But what happens when microlearning marries AI? One potential predicts Musk’s Neuralink agents and dummies with instant upload affordances culling human cognitive ability to compete. Thus, the question arises: what is the purpose of human learning? Is it for work, school, self, other? If we are on the eve of destruction, we need to ensure what we are learning is personal, verifiable and applicable to contribute to solving real world problems otherwise it may be relegated to robots.

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