A3: Claritoon – A different AI video generator
Hi everyone! Here is our proposal for a different AI application that can generate instructional videos with animation for younger students and students with disabilities. https://sites.google.com/view/claritoon/home?authuser=0 From Michelle Kim and Catherine Li
Week 9 Moveable Feast: Experience Design
Hi everyone! Here is the link to the Google site that Andrew Dunn and I created on Experience Design. We included a few discussion questions and we look forward to your responses in the discussion forum here on WordPress. https://sites.google.com/view/etec-523-a2-experience-design/home?authuser=0
DeepL – More than just a translation tool
Google Translate has been around for a very long time and has been the main translation tool that comes to mind when we need to translate words from one language to another. However, in the past few years, I have been using DeepL instead. It uses “artificial intelligence to replicate human intelligence when translating documents” […]
Hello from Catherine
Hi everyone, my name Catherine and I’m a learning specialist at a consulting firm. I’m managing programs related to soft skills such as inclusion, coaching and sales. I also have the opportunity to work on designing learning materials. This will be my last MET course so I’m super excited! I hope to learn new ideas related […]