A Model of Blended Learning

When the traditional teaching mode doesn’t work in the school, how can teachers shift from a classroom-based course to a blended mode? In this short video, a model of blended learning implemented in the classes of G12 mathematics and Grade 10 world history, met the needs of different students as much as possible, not only […]

Differences between blended classroom and flipped classroom

Blended classroom and flipped classroom are two educational concepts supported by network technologies. Even though both of them introduce technologies into traditional classroom-based teaching, they have different purposes and effects in classrooms. The blended classroom refers to introducing technologies in a classroom to deliver content, enhance communication, or encourage interaction and collaboration; while in a […]

Turning “school buses” into open learning

This video from Peter Hutton gives us another picture of open learning in school, which is open enough for students to decide themselves what they are going to learn. I like the metaphor Perter posed that schools are like buses for a lot of students. They don’t have a chance to think about how the […]

What can technologies make us gain or lose?

When I asked Google “Do technologies simplify our life”, this article came into my sight. This is a reflection by the author Nicholas Carr, which makes me think about how we humans can handle the direction that technologies develop in, or else we are just roaming in the trend of technologies which have been driven […]

Hello from Shirley Shi

Hello! I am so glad to meet every one of you here. I just started my first term in MET. I studied Industrial Design at Beijing Institute of Technology in China, and Kansei Science at the University of Tsukuba in Japan. I used to work as a teacher at Beijing Institute of Technology in the […]