A3 – AR/VR Wearables in Trades Training

Hello everyone! Inspired by my A2 on AR, I decided to look into using AR/VR wearables in education with a focus on how they can transform trades worker training. I work at a utility company, and I see tremendous opportunity for implementing wearable devices to improve training for trades workers on-the-job. The benefits of using […]

Video Podcasts – Now Supported on Spotify

Hello everyone! I just saw on the news that Spotify started to support video podcasts. Spotify states that by using visuals, “fans can get to know their favorite podcast hosts even better, and creators can more deeply connect with their audiences”. In this week’s OER, we focused on audio podcasts (which I love) and its […]

A1: Adaptive Learning Systems

A1: Adaptive Learning Systems

Hi everyone! In my A1, I took a look at adaptive learning systems, an example of how AI can be used in education. The development of artificial intelligence and data analytics is creating change in many places, including education. Adaptive learning is one of the more common applications of AI in education and has great […]

A3- Future Education: Flipped school

Originally Posted By David CHO on November 23, 2019 School will Change, Slowly but Daringly. The appearance of future education makes us realize that stereotypes, such as the role of schools, that we have taken for granted are breaking. It is clear that the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Fourth Industrial Revolution will bring about […]

A1: Informal, Formal Online Education Programs

Originally posted by Brogan Pratt on February 6, 2019 Informal, Formal Online Education Programs For my A1 project, I decided to focus on ways that teachers can educate themselves online from a variety of different sources. In my website, I’ve examined corporate training programs, online courses, and certificates for recognition of exceptional teachers in the field of […]

“Study With Me” Culture on Youtube

“Study With Me” videos have become a popular trend. These are videos between 30 minutes to 2 hours or even longer of youtubers just quietly studying. Here is an example. The content is simple – people preparing for an exam on video while people watch. Some are broadcast live while some are recorded. Surprisingly, these […]

A1: The Digital Afterlife – A Cultural Phenomenon

Originally posted by  Marc Tavares on February 10, 2019 After posting a resource about the digital afterlife a few weeks ago, I decided to explore the concept further for this assignment. I’m fascinated by how people grieve, mourn, and interact with deceased loved ones through their digital devices. The significant amount of data we create daily […]

A1 – METPodcast – A Brief Analysis of Social Influencers

Originally posted by carlo trentadue on October 6, 2019 Transmedia is, effectively, the process of storytelling through a variety of media outlets. Never before in histories past have we been able to utilize online social platforms to brand ourselves, and in turn, create our own ‘markets’. Thus, for my A1 project, I decided to give Podcasts a […]

Modular Mobile Technology

Modular Mobile Technology

Original post by julio palacios on November 23, 2019 Within an educational setting, modular mobile devices can empower the user by allowing them to make otherwise costly repairs, upgrades and modifications to their mobile devices. This will alleviate the amount of eWaste produced by the educational institution and the high costs of maintaining up to date educational […]


Originally posted by pshui on October 14, 2019 Hello everyone, my Analytical Publishing Project will focused on the development and integration of ai-powered chatbots in education. I have decided to present using a chatbot I built using chatteron! Please follow this link to my bot YesBot.(URL: https://web.chatteron.io/?clientId=uo7sK3P4elC9H8KR-2pyJ) Among the other chatbot building tools that I have found and […]