A3 Voice-Activated Collaboration Tool (VACT)

Hello Hello! My future cast is inspired from some of the conversations that came out of my A2 on podcasts. I began thinking about how listening to podcasts, lectures or any type of audio material typically happens in silo. I wanted to consider ways that peer-to-peer interaction could be blended into the experience. I came […]

A1: YouTube

Hello! I did my A1 assignment on YouTube. YouTube is far from a new technology, but as classrooms are moving to the online space due to the current pandemic, educators are looking for ways to offer students variety in the online classroom and are utilizing YouTube more than ever. I thought it might be helpful […]



Brilliant is a mobile education app for those who are interested in learning or practicing math or science in a fun way. Brilliant can be used by everyone as they have various levels (they advertise ages 10 through 110). They claim to help you learn math and science through conceptual quizzes that are both entertaining […]

SkyView Free – A Simple Example of AR in Education

Originally posted by christopher clarke on January 21, 2019 This app is an excellent example of AR meets education. It’s an extremely simple to use app that assists amateur star gazers identify planets and constellations. Since public schools tend to operate exclusively during daylight hours, it is not the most useful app to use during […]

Qanda: Real time Q&A helper for Math and Science

Originally posted by David CHO on October 13, 2019  For my A1 assignment, I’ve chosen to create a blog focusing on a mobile application called Qanda which helps solve math and science problems for students. Students can ask questions by taking a photo of the problem and A.I system finds the solutions automatically. Also, teachers […]

Activity Bubbles

Activity Bubbles

Many of us would agree that we’re probably on our mobile phones too often. We can be pulled away from in person social interactions because our phones have a notification on it, we are afraid of what disconnecting might mean and what we might miss. Activity Bubbles is an app that was created to help […]

Curiosity makes you smarter

Originally posted by benson chang on January 20, 2019 We tend to be spending more and more time with our head buried in our smartphones, especially on public transit (because, come on, looking at other people is just awkward).  Most of this time is spent on the likes of Facebook, Instagram etc. with very little […]

Streaming Together, But Apart

Originally posted by kimberley seto on September 22, 2019 https://kast.gg With the advancement of mobile technology, it has become increasingly easier to stay connected and not just through traditional texting or video conferencing avenues. People are demanding for connections outside of simple communication. The Kast app allows users to share their online entertainment experiences. That […]

Answer Garden

Originally posted kevin low on May 27, 2018 Hi everyone, Answer Garden is a resource that I like to use to help open the door to new topics and units in any subject. As many students may have heard certain terminology once or twice but do not fully understand the meaning yet, answer garden allows […]

Mobile Collaboration Tools

Originally posted by j christopher stanger on January 10, 2019 Mobile collaboration is increasingly becoming part of our everyday work lives. But what does it really mean to ‘mobile collaborate’ and what tools are available to facilitate this collaboration? “Mobile collaboration is the use of mobile devices and collaborative apps to allow geographically dispersed people to work together on endeavors […]