Twit-tivity 2

Activity #2) Guided video reflection


Good morning class,

Now that we have finished creating an understanding of what Kingdom Fungii are, it’s time to explore what fungus mean to humans. Are they friends or foe? Do we have a relationship, and if so is it beneficial? Is there room in this technologically advanced world for fungi to be important to humans…. ecologically, financially and medically? You will be asked to decide your views about these important questions before we proceed with the video. Post your tweet too #Bi11fungi_previd before proceeding with the video. Additionally, be sure to read what the classmates that you follow tweet – You need to retweet 3 classmates posts on your microblog.

All done?

Then proceed to watch the video below.

TED talks with Paul Stamets: 6 ways that mushrooms can save the world

Post-video reflection tweet
After listening to “Fun” “Gi” Dr. Paul Stamet, and contemplating the enormity of possibilities that a positive relationship with Kingdom Fungi potentially means to Humankind. Post a second tweet to #Bi11fungi_postvid. Be sure again, to retweet three of your classmates post-video reflections.

Proceed with Twit-tivity 3